Join Future Artists Live Creative Co-op today ;)

by Asha

Future Artists vs Frank Zappa


Welcome to Future Artists Live creative co-op, this is a group, forum and open space dedicated to creating a diverse and progressive relationship between artists and audience, between creative thinkers and business… its a live an active space for all you future artists to use as a tool to communicate and meet up in.


Future Artists creative co-op was founded as their was a need for a new way of thinking when it came to digital, creative and community, and how this can be applied in the creative sector in both traditional arts and new media. in a year the thinking and ethos has gone global, and now with this group, we hope that our active community will embrace this opportunity to create a new arts and creative sector which is self sufficient.

This Co-op has two simple aims.

1) As an informal knowledge, trade and creative network and supportive global community that supports each others business and careers, this group will allow knowledge sharing and trading easier.

2) as an exhibition, distribution and educational organization we intend to work with our community in this space to create creative educational and exhibition events in the UK and across the world.


This is a world-wide co-op for people like you…




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